Be Advised - THIS IS NOT A HATE SITE, and no such language will be tolerated on this site. The U.S. Constitution grants us and protects our right of Religious Choice. Millions of law-abiding moderate and peaceful Muslims practice their faith daily in America without any malice or ill will. This site is dedicated to educating people about Radical Islam, Extremists, and their use of "Political Islam."
Please stay tuned as I get this blog and Chapter up and running. If you have any questions, feedback, or if you live in the area and are interested in joining this Chapter, please feel free to e-mail me at TELL YOUR FRIENDS and SPREAD THE WORD! You can find out more about ACT! For America, Sharia Law, and Political Islam by reading on or visiting ACT! For America, The Center For The Study Of Political Islam, Stop Sharia Law, and American Congress For Truth
For Liberty,
Aaron D. Yeargan, Chapter Director
Leland/Brunswick County/Wilmington, NC ACT! For America
P.S. Be Advised - while the following sites are not necessarily endorsed by ACT! For America, you can find more information about the U.S. Constitution HERE, the NC State Constitution HERE, and the Separation of Church and State HERE.
1. About ACT! for America |
ACT! for America was founded by Brigitte Gabriel, a Lebanese immigrant who came to the United States after losing her country of birth to militant Muslim fundamentalists during the Lebanese Civil War. Now an American citizen, Gabriel founded ACT! for America to give Americans their voice back. That unique American voice, full of joy and anticipation of better days and infinite aspirations...muted by the scourge of political correctness. Muted by intimidation, as evidenced by the increasing use of slurs such as "Islamophobe" by Muslim apologists against anyone who dares to speak the truth about radical Islam, terror and jihad. Muted by fear of lawsuits. Muted by fear of physical assault. ACT! for America was created to provide American citizens a means to be a collective voice for the democratic values of Western Civilization, such as the celebration of life and liberty, as opposed to the authoritarian values of radical Islam, such as the celebration of death, terror and tyranny. This collective, grassroots voice will triumphantly rise above political correctness and intimidation. OUR MISSION
OUR VISIONThe ACT! for America vision:
As a well-informed and well-organized citizen action network, ACT! for America will be the front-line voice for freedom-loving Americans everywhere. 2. ABOUT MS. GABRIEL
3. SHARIA/SHARIAH LAW F.A.Q. Shariah is Islamic law and represents the traditional or “pure” normative interpretation of the Qur’an and teachings of Mohammed, as developed by Shariah scholars and jurists during Islam’s early centuries. It has remained largely unchanged for over 1200 years and is practiced today in these areas:
Implementing Shariah is the agenda of what is often termed Radical Islam or Political Islam. Shariah-driven Islam is a political movement much like communism, in that “true” Muslims are required to relinquish all control of personal, business, family, and religious life to the rulings of Shariah “authorities” (the ‘ulema’ who act as legislators, judges, and law enforcement) in the service of this totalitarian political order. The goal is to wage Jihad (cultural, financial, or violent) to create a one world order, united under Islam, where Church and State are one. No. Newspapers report bloody struggles in Turkey, Indonesia, Pakistan, Thailand, Egypt, and Jordan between secular liberty-minded Muslims and theocratic Shariah militants. However, as Shariah Islam expands its reach worldwide, polls suggest increasing support for enforcing strict application of Shariah law in Islamic countries: 65% of Egyptians, 76% of Pakistanis, and 49% of Indonesians ( Yet Shariah law silences nearly 750 million women and children. The Reliance of the Traveller, Classic Manual of Islamic Sacred Law is the authoritative Sunni Shariah rulebook (available at
The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) was formed in the 1920s by Shariah advocates to create a one-world nation-state under Shariah Islamic law. Today, they are in 70+ countries. The Brotherhood works hand-in-hand with the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), a 57-member Muslim-majority block in the UN. Their 1982 plan to invade and conquer the West was discovered in Nov. 2001 (see Patrick Poole’s article at Below are some of the tactics recommended in the Muslim Brotherhood’s “Project” (see the English translation in Patrick Poole’s article in
Only Shariah authorities (the ‘ulema’) can issue fatwas or legal rulings and only they can interpret Shariah. As Shariah authorities, they authorize, direct, and condone Jihad actions. The mandate that “true” Muslims carry out their fatwas ensures that these authorities can distance themselves from actual acts of terror. Recent fatwas by Shariah authorities resulted in a) the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, b) rioting following the publication of the Danish Mohammad cartoons, and c) the attacks in New York (Sep. 2001), London (Jul. 2007), Madrid (Mar. 2004), and Mumbai (Jan. 2009). “Creeping Shariah” refers to the incremental adoption of Shariah, in which a single example seems harmless, but taken together, represents a pattern of intention. No-Go Zones. 751 no-go zones in France where police have turned over control to “religious enforcement” following threats of violence. Girls without Islamic clothing have reportedly been raped. Non-Muslim citizens are urged to stay out. Zones exist in Denmark, the Netherlands, and the UK. Shariah Courts. 2008: Official recognition of five courts in the UK and one in Texas, USA, with lobbying to create greater legitimization and authority in Minnesota, New Jersey, and California. The intent is to set up parallel courts, in lieu of secular courts and their judgments, in family and business law. Assault on Freedom of Speech. Feb. 2009: Dutch Parliamentarian Geert Wilders prosecuted for hate speech for his 15-minute film, Fitna. Books Destroyed. July 2007: Cambridge University Press destroyed its print run of Alms for Jihad: Charity and Terrorism in the Islamic World in reaction to Saudi threats of a slander lawsuit. Children’s Rights. Mar. 2008: UK reports epidemic of forced child marriages. 2008: Texas father murders teenage daughters for adopting a Western lifestyle. Women’s Rights. 2008: Successful lobbying for polygamy in Canada and UK; Holland recognizes polygamous marriages. 2009: Buffalo NY, USA. Muslim leader decapitates his wife after she filed for divorce. Honor killing is justified under Shariah law. Saudi Hate Curriculum. The Islamic Saudi Academy (ISA) in Virginia, remains open, despite reports of hate-filled curricula, according to the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom. Shariah (also “Shari’a”) Finance is a powerful economic tool of Political Islam, disguised as a harmless religious method of investing for Muslims. Western investment firms like Citigroup, HSBC, Dow Jones, UBS, and AIG have created Islamic banks within their corporate structures, hiring Shariah Authorities or Imams to manage this new entity with full discretion. Their ultimate goal is to create a global Islamic nation (umma) wherein both Muslims and non-Muslims are under Islamic sovereignty. These Shariah “scholars” use all forms of Jihad (aggressive and stealth) to further their goal. Shariah Finance is the most insidious and effective form of stealth Jihad.Al-Jihad bi-al-Mal, which literally means Jihad with money (mal, Arabic for money) or Financial Jihad. There are 8 categories of Zakat (Arabic for charity) according to Shariah, all of which are meant to build allegiance to Islam worldwide. While four of these categories help the poor, the others support Jihad. The 7th category of Zakat is defined in the Reliance of the Traveler, the Classic Manual of Islamic Sacred Law (Umdat Al-Salik), p. 272, as follows: “those fighting for Allah, meaning people engaged In Islamic military operations for whom no salary has been allotted in the army, or volunteers for Jihad without remuneration. They are given enough to suffice them for the operation, even if affluent: of weapons, mounts, clothing, and expenses.” This explains why the U.S. Government has classified 27 Islamic charities as terror organizations, with the Holy Land Foundation in Dallas, Texas the most recently convicted of financing terror-jihad (2008). These charities have innocuous-sounding names like Union of Good, and Benevolence International Foundation, and Care International. Yes. Depositing our money with banks and companies that sell Shariah Investments is giving these firms capital to grow their Shariah businesses overseas, which is, in turn, used to direct oil money to destroy America’s constitutional republic, liberty, values, and way of life. Here are four of the most sought-after “Shari’a Authorities” in the industry, all of whom are highly paid to sit on individual corporate bank Shariah Advisory Boards. Each also sits on the AAOIFI (Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions) Board, an international body that parallels western regulatory agencies. Incredibly, the SEC embraced the legitimacy and members of the AAOIFI. Boards: AAOIFI; Bank Al-Taqwa (shut down 2001 by U.S. TSY for terror funding)
Quotable Quotes: "Allah Almighty is just; through his infinite wisdom he has given the weak a weapon the strong do not have, and that is their ability to turn their bodies into bombs as Palestinians do." “The most important form of jihad today….is to rebuild Islamic society and state….in the political, cultural and economic domains. This is certainly most deserving of Zakat.” Boards: Chairman of AAOIFI; HSBC, Dow Jones, Citigroup, Guidance Financial
Quotable Quote: Usmani writes “Killing is to continue until the unbelievers pay jiziah (a subjugation tax) after they are humbled or overpowered.” (Islam and Modernism, 2006) Boards: AAOIFI; AIG, HSBC, Citigroup
Boards: AAOIFI; IFSB, Barclays Capital, Shariah Capital, Dow Jones, Guidance International
The marketing materials of these firms focus on two seemingly harmless details of “Islamic” investing 1) limited "interest income" and 2) un-Islamic banned “sin” industries of alcohol and gambling. Therefore, investment firms describe Shariah finance as “interest-free,” “ethical,” and “socially responsible” investing. Quotable Quotes: AIG: The Introduction of Takaful (Shariah insurance) products in the U.S. represents.…emerging growth opportunity for AIG Commercial Insurance. We are pleased to offer socially responsible solutions….to the domestic market.” (AIG Press Release, 2008) HSBC: Amana Takaful Fund: “ We invest in assets…that are acceptable within the socially and environmentally acceptable principles of Shariah….managed through the…ethical principles of Shariah.” (, Feb 2009) BLACKSTONE: “Blackstone Shariah Finance presents you with an ethical alternative” (, April 2009) Yes. There is no disclosure about these issues:
Yes. Leaders include Congresspersons Sue Myrick, Frank Wolf, Paul Broun, and Tom Tancredo and Senator Jon Kyl. Quotable Quotes: Myrick/Wolf to AIG CEO, Dec. 08: "you may defend your decision to offer Shariah products and will probably state that they have no real ties to Shariah Law, and therefore, pose no threat. You are wrong. " Join ACT! for America, a grassroots organization (56,000 members in 260 chapters) dedicated to focusing Congress on Islamic extremism in America. |
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